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  • What Makes F8T Different

    Integrated and Holistic Approach
    Eight Dimensions of Wellness
    Personal attention by Health Coach
    Personal Fitness Guidance
    Personal Diet Consultation
    Results Oriented

    What is CARAMEL?

    Type 2 diabetes is intricately linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver disease, and eye and foot complications. Conversely, these conditions heighten the susceptibility to developing type 2 diabetes. This interconnected web suggests that these health issues, including diabetes, stem primarily from the inefficient sequestering of excess energy, resulting in the accumulation of unhealthy fat (adiposopathy). Rather than viewing type 2 diabetes as a standalone condition, it is better understood as a symptom of a chronic disease complex. The conditions comprising what is termed CARAMEL disease—Cardiac, Renal, Adipo-Metabolic, Eye, and Liver disease—coexist in most individuals with type 2 diabetes.
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    Physical wellness i is the ability to maintain a quality of life that allows you to get the most out of your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress.


    Relationships, respect, community interaction. This dimension considers how we relate to others. How we connect, communicate and get along with the people we are surrounded by.


    Spirituality can stem from beliefs, faith, values, ethics or moral principles that provide purpose and direction in our lives. A healthy spirit helps us remain resilient and better prepared to face life’s challenges.


    Feelings, emotions, reactions, cognition. This is the dimension where you are in touch with your feelings and emotions of sorrow, joy, love, etc. This dimension helps us to cope with the emotional challenges of life.


    Involves the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. Money plays a critical role in our lives, and it can impact your health as well as academic performance.


    The environment and your surroundings play a key role in your overall wellbeing. Therefore, environmental wellness is about how you interact with your environment, how you understand it, and how it impacts you


    Skills, finances, balance, satisfaction. This dimension involves finding fulfillment in your job and knowing that it has meaning. It is also the ability to establish a balance between work and leisure time.


    Critical thinking, creativity, curiosity. This dimension considers the desire to be a lifelong learner. It’s the ability to be open to new experiences and ideas in order to continue growing.


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    333 Purva summit, iSprouts, Kondapur

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